Saturday, September 02, 2006

Mondays shoot....

These are the results from mondays photoshoot (28/8).

Here it is ladies and lads. The first of many posts. I will be documenting my shoots and showing you the results as i go along. This will be constantly updated so check in every now and then and i should have some new stuff up.

My victim; the lovely Sarah, the door bitch at blvd. Unfortunately, me being the ding bat that i am...took no behind the scenes shots. Will definately keep that in mind for the next one which will be happenning on Monday the 4th for a label called VASILIKI. Ill remember to take plenty of doco shots for ur viewing pleasure.

All in all, Sarah did an absolutely FANTASTIC job!! She is amazingly beautiful and a natural in front of the camera. Shes also an absolute pleasure to be around. It was a wonderful day, and the shots are beautiful (i hope!!!).


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