Friday, March 23, 2007

EFX Finals..

Enjoy! Dont forget to scroll down for the behind the scenes pics...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Gaki No Tsukai!

So anyway, i dont know whats gotten into me the past few months...but for some reason, i have TOTALLY fallen in love with the japanese!

Its not that im intrigued by geishas nor do i want to become a samurai or any crap like that. I've totally fallen in love with modern japanese culture (unfortunately not a HUGE fan if sushi btw).

I cant stop listening to japanese rock even though i cant understand a bloody word they're singing, totally into the japanese MMA fighters (Warrrrrrrrrrr GOMI!!!!), always been a fan of the lights of Tokyo and now.....drum roll......drrrr.....I AM TOTALLY ADDICTED TO GAKI NO TSUKAI!!

Gaki No Tsukai (i 'think' its suppose to mean "do not laugh") is a japanese comedy show starring 4 famous jap comedians. Basically throughout the whole show they are placed in an environment where funny shit constantly happens on purpose. The thing is, the four comedians are NOT allowed to laugh at all! If they do, the get caned on the ass (looks pretty painful!!). Anyway, just watch.......

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Behind the scenes @ EFX April

Darren and i trying to direct the so so shy Karyn..
Darren and i again arguing over the shot!
My dear friend and art director, darren telling me the shots are crap!

Me, like an idiot standing in front of fill flash...
Our Bible for the shoot....

Hi guys, i know its been ages and ages and ages but im gonna post some behind the scenes shots at my latest shoot....the theme was "back to school". Certainately one of the smoothest shoots i have ever done. Everything went according to plan and the shots look awesome!


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

EFX Magazine - February issue

Monday, January 01, 2007


Trent on the right and his posse!

Ditzy little Anna!
Me and the main man BEEJ!
Mr Wei-shen looking all sexyyy

This girl in the orange is a hottie!

Now when i first started this blog, my intention was to dedicate it completely to my photography...but i had to wish everyone a great new year. Hope everyone had as much of a blast as i did at Queensbridge on NYE. I'd like to share a few happy snaps of the night, what a great way to end a fantastic year and an even greater way to start a year which i hope will be as memorable as the last.

Queensbridge was AMAZING....the best night ive had for a very long time!!!

Saying that, i believe a huge CONGRATS are in order for KampNokturnal and co. for throwing such a successful NYE bash. It was a night that will be in our memories for a very long time. I wish you guys all the best in the new year, this night has definately put you guys back on top....and may you remain there for the rest of your days! Congratulations Trent and co for an amazing night. You all deserve it!

Dont forget to check out for more pics!

Monday, December 25, 2006


Shit how could i forget to post the collette apologies!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Philippa finals...

Here you go...more coming i promise!

One more BTS..

Behind the scenes with the awesome PHILIPPA...

Hello hello pretty people, i know im a slacker when it comes to posting regular again, my apologies.. :)

Here are some behind the scenes shots from Wednesday shoot. The victim today was the awesome and incredibly TALLLLLL Philippa Gleeson from A HUGE thank you to you guys for giving me the oppurtunity to photograph her. She was such a pleasure! My team and i had blast. Some finals will be posted a bit later but for now here are a few randoms...PEACE